4 things to gift yourself after getting your First job

Amey Morje
3 min readOct 5, 2021

In India, Graduation is considered a milestone in middle and upper middle class families. Most members of the family are satisfied when someone from the family completes his/her graduation. I think if you also have completed your graduation, it’s time to celebrate this achievement. It’s a step towards your freedom and taking charge of your life with your job.

1. Investments

Photo by rupixen.com on Unsplash

The first thing you have to do is manage your expenses. You’ll have minimum experience on how to handle your salary, how much part should go to savings and how much should be used. Take some basic financial courses and invest your money with known risks. Start with basic banking options like TD (Term Deposits), extend to Mutual Funds, or long term investments in Share market. Explore some new things like crypto investments, forex tradings, etc.

Another form of investment is investing in yourself. You should invest in yourself for a healthy lifestyle, making yourself a fit individual. Also, invest in good books and increase your knowledge, which thereby increases your own value.

2. Holiday

Photo by Rish Agarwal on Unsplash

Go take that vacation you always wanted, you deserve it!! You have accomplished a milestone for which you have celebrated and given parties to your family and friends. Now, just reward yourself with that amazing travelling destination where you wanted to go. Taking a break is utmost important after that long struggle. And this travelling journey is really going peace up your mind.

3. Something you like

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

In India, putting yourself first isn’t that common. But, do it for yourself, value yourself and put yourself first. Buy a good gift which you like. If you are interested in games, go buy that PS5, if you like shoes, go buy those sneakers, if you are fond of reading, go buy that novel. Just buy whatever is going to make you happy and make you feel proud that you can buy it for yourself.

4. Further education

Photo by Dom Fou on Unsplash

Your first job isn’t the place you should settle in. After getting the relevant experience, if you have completed your Bachelor’s, pursue Master’s, if you have completed your Master’s, go for PhD, but don’t stop learning. Learning will lead you to places.

This is surely going to be a surprising gift list you might have seen, it’s not just enjoyment but it’s more of a balanced list which is going to make your life more inclined to happiness and will take you to further challenges by pursuing your next goals.

